“A coach is someone who tells you what you don’t want to hear, who has you see what you don’t want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be.”

Really good coaching brings out the best in you, and when that happens you are much more likely to achieve your desired results. What do you need to be a (even) better leader? Change leadership, leader as coach, your own professional growth and career advancement, getting ‘unstuck’, creating better balance, transitioning to a new role, growing your confidence, developing specific skills, or perhaps simply exploring what your desired results are – what do you want? What is the dream?

Our coaching programmes are tailored to our clients’ needs – the client being the person getting the coaching as well as the sponsoring organisation if that is applicable. As part of your 1:1 coaching programme, we will help you clearly articulate your goal(s) and agree on ways to track progress.

Psychometric testing, 360 feedback, stakeholder interviews and/or work observation can be incorporated in your coaching engagement. As an Insights Discovery licensed practitioner, we use Insights as a tool to help increase your self-awareness and awareness of others. The Insights Discovery profile that is created on the back of simple 20-minute assessment provides incredible insights into a person’s style, strengths and the value they bring. It comes with pragmatic suggestions for development areas as well as ways to leverage strengths and preferences, which can be of great help in the goal setting part of the coaching programme. For further information on Insights, please see the FAQ section on this site.

Examples of leadership coaching programmes delivered by Bloom Coaching & Consulting:

  • Solution-focused coaching: 4-6 sessions of 60-90 minutes each, usually done virtually although in-person meetings can also be arranged, generally focusing on a specific outcome or goal
  • Coaching immersion: half-day, full-day or multi-day immersive coaching experience to focus on a specific goal and/or offer deep reflection on what it is you are after. Often including a psychometric test or performance assessment, creative exercises to explore your options and plan your actions, and extended time to create a true thinking environment
  • Coaching connects: on-going coaching engagement arrangement, with a 60-90 mins meeting scheduled every 6-8 weeks over an extended period. The coaching serves as a sounding board, a space for the client to take a step back and reflect; to talk or work through the challenges and opportunities they are facing
  • Speed coaching: regular 30 mins connects to explore a very specific topic, often offered to think through specific in-role challenges or to provide support during a longer-term development or transition plan

When working with a sponsoring organisation, usually the employer (represented by HR, the line manager and/or the buyer of coaching services), we will review the scope of the coaching engagement (i.e., number of people to receive coaching and the overall objective of the programme) as well as the approach to managing the sponsor-coachee-coach triangle – topics such as aligning goals, tracking progress and managing confidentiality become extremely important in this context. It is important to note that 1:1 coaching conversations are always confidential, even when the coaching is commissioned by a sponsor.

Change leadership
Strategic leadership
People leadership
Role or career transition
Career fulfilment
Professional growth
Specific skills development
Increased self-awareness

Contact us to discuss your organisation's or personal coaching needs and to set up a 'chemistry' session to experience what coaching is like.